Removing Duplicate Rows in OpenOffice.Org Calc or Excell

How to remove duplicate rows from Calc or Excel

Q: How do I select all unique values from a column in an OOo Calc/Excel spreadsheet?
I want to remove all duplicate rows from an OOo Calc/Excel spreadsheet with a HUGE amount of rows.

Before you do anything I recommend you save copy of the file with a different name so that you have something to go back to in case something goes wrong.

1) Assuming your list starts on A1, right click on A1 and create column to the left.
2) Sort Alphabetically Ascending
3) Add this line: =if(b1=b2).
4) Double click on the bottom right of the A1 BOX, this will activate this formula for all cells in column A.

Your new list on the left will now display FALSE or TRUE (true=duplicate)

5) Goto ->Data->autofilter

You now have a drop down menu in A1.

6) If you select 0, you will only see unique (aside from the first if it is a duplicate) if you select 1, you will only see duplicates, which you can delete. I suggest you select 1, select column b and paste in a new sheet to save confusion.

(This tip should work in Excel 2003 too)

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